Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Growing Respect . . . Web designers, I'm glad you enjoy it.

I am not technologically savvy. In fact I am using my sister's tablet and it takes me forever to post here. I go from 90 wpm to about (counting the words in my last sentence) 16 wpm. Or less . . .

ugh I can't even handle this post . . . to be continued on a laptop . . . when the kids fall asleep . . if.

So my website is going to take forever to design. Prophoto has amazing video tutorials, thank God, so I will successfully accomplish the look I want, but not quickly. My respect for web designers is growing with each and every task on my website. Blogger is simple. There are not too many things to customize and it is pretty straight forward. Not that prophoto isn't also laid out nicely, it's just new and I haven't learned my way around. I also get very few opportunities to really sit down and dedicate to learning. I should get off this thing, huh?

Progress this week on my wishlist:

#1, #3, and #4 DONE!

I just placed my amazon order for new cards and batteries and what not. Little essential upgrades I needed. Nothing terribly exciting.

I decided on Salt and Light Photography on Monday. I have the forms for registering the business printed out, but haven't filed yet. I'm going to file as a Sole Proprietorship FOR NOW. I will eventually transfer to Limited Liability, but I'm lazy and overwhelmed right now. When I have less to do (ha), and more $ (ha) I will do that. Right now I want to feel legit, which is why I am filing at all, and I want to start making money. Have to keep the ball rolling. I got in contact with an accountant too, but I'm not seeking help there yet. When I transfer to LLC I will.

Immediately after deciding my name I purchased a domain name from and Prophoto to upload to my Word Press account. Yay. Never been so confused in my life, but I'm working on it. This is not my strong point. But I did lots of research on those particular sites in the past couple of weeks, and I chose them because of the ease of use . . . that everyone keeps raving about. So far I agree. My issue is not that I can't read or listen to a tutorial . . . I just need more time to do it. Also I am without my own computer at the moment so I can't really mess around with photos at the moment. Big problem when you own a PHOTOGRAPHY business. LOL . . . the new "new" computer is on its way. (Ugh laptop drama)

And in case you are wondering I will share the domain name when the website is no longer under construction. Right now you would see an under construction message and a template full of names and photos completely unrelated to me. :)

So #2 is around here somewhere waiting for my attention.

#5 . . . haven't even started a logo yet. Accepting free advice or help. :)

I'm off to create! And self medicate my anxiety with chocolate.

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